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The Processing and Expressing of Emotion

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the basis of your work - the coaching and the courses?

The basis of all my work is the processing and expressing of emotions - to get through the negative to the positive and to release the negativity into the light. I developed the process over my years of my own healing journey and the work with my clients and trainees.

I have been involved in personal growth personally and professionally since 1980. I am both a student and teacher by temperament. I used to teach elementary and junior high children until I discovered that what I love to teach is of a different nature then Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

In my own personal journey of life and healing, I discovered that once my emotions were on the way to being healed, my life dramatically changed. My life dramatically changed because I was no longer being totally run by my pile of old emotions and false beliefs about myself which were a result of those unheard and unhealed emotions. I also observed that this is true for most people and that once they got the correct tools to deal with their emotions, their lives changed dramatically.

2. What is the difference between Emotion-Based Coaching and therapy?

I personally have very little background in therapy. My learning about the tools and ways to heal came via a spiritual program for eating disorders and the Making Love Workshops given by John Gray and Barbara deAngelis many years ago.

So I asked my coaches about their experience of both and here’s what 3 of them had to say:

My experience of psychiatrists was therapy but not drugs, although in the UK and USA it might be different. They were definitely there to get me to look deep into my past and work out why I had whatever issues I had. What I learned when I started looking into training was that a therapist/counselor helped you get over a certain issue or problem that was holding you back, whereas a coach helped you to work out what you wanted to achieve in life and how to get there. I think with our programme we kind of straddle the two because we do the work on our past in order to then move forward....
Jen Rigg

I've been to many through the years. Psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors, counselors. Each in their own way has been helpful to me. The main hindrance I have found with these professionals (vs. our way of coaching) is they are distant, they do not share their own experiences, so any empathy they feel stays within then and is not really felt by the patient/client, this hinders a connection that is needed for healing and opening up. I find that trust and connection blossom much more between coach/client relationships than between psychologists/patients. There are some professionals in the field that do really care and give teach tools and methods during the course of the therapy. I also feel that everything is evolving and people, in general, are requiring much more from their professional helpers. People today are much more conscious and knowledgeable than before. Even with this knowledge, though, it's not enough. People are needing connection, empathy, real tools, they want to feel that they matter and not like just another number.
Savina Cavallo, Emotion-Based Coach

There are many differences between typical therapy with a counselor or psychiatrist and going through YOU University: ·      

Often there are no tools to take with you from therapy sessions whereas the tools you gain through YOU U are for a lifetime and are learned in such a way that they “stick” and become habits with practice. 

Typical therapy means driving to an office, waiting in a waiting room, someone watching the clock and does not necessarily include a person who leaves you feeling like you are truly understood.       

Typical therapists do not necessarily share their own personal experiences to help you to know they truly “get you” as the unique individual with very unique life issues that you are.     

Typical therapy is a “quick fix” with no real, long-term benefit while going thru YOU U offers real solutions for long-term transformation. Typical therapy does not include “friends-in-deed” who will walk beside you through your journey like YOU University does.
Gina Bendel, Emotion-Based Coach

3. Does the online course also teach one how to go from negative to positive emotion?

Absolutely! Prior to the loss of my husband I had decided to figure out a way to offer what I know works to more people.